马山(MASAN)物流网络的建设 | |||||
作者:佚名 国际空运来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2011-8-19 ![]() |
港口英文名:MASAN 港口代码:KRMAS 港口缩写:MAS 所在国家:S.KOREA 经纬度:35 ° 11'0"N,128 ° 35'0"E 时差:-9:00 锚地:35-00-00N 128-48-00E 泊位吃水:11 海图号:1065 港口类型:Seaport 港口大小:Large 港务局信息: 港务局: Masan Regional Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Authority 地址: Masan Korea, South 电话: 055-249-0303 传真: 055-245-0685 邮件: 网址: masan.momaf.go.kr 中文简介: FUEL:AVAILABLE DRY DOCKS:3 MINOR DRY DOCKS 韩国商港。位于朝鲜半岛东南镇海湾北段港市之东临朝鲜海峡。东南至镇海港10海里,至釜山港40海里,西临丽水港97海里,济州港163海里,木浦港222海里。本港潮汐属半日潮型,大潮高潮1.9米,底潮平均0.2米,小潮高潮1.4米,低潮0.7米,可允许长210米,最大吃水11米的2万吨级船只入港,港区分布在海湾西北岸,主要设备有:1号码头,长445米,水深8米,可靠泊2艘8000吨级船舶,用于散货;2号码头,长385米,水深仅5米,可靠泊2艘1000吨级船舶;3号码头,长420米,水深11米,可靠泊2艘2万吨级船舶用于散货;4号码头最长达1050米,可靠泊5艘2万吨级船舶,前沿水深11米;5号码头,长240米,水深也达11米,它和4号码头一起都用于件杂贷和集装箱的装卸。还有一些中小泊位,全港10多个泊位,年吞吐量约500万吨以上,半年煤、矿石、钢材、谷物、杂货、纺织品、水产品等。1898年辟为商港,曾长期作为釜山辅助港。港市现有人口40万,是庆尚南道最大的城市,工商业较发达,特别是电子、纺织、化学工业等。酿酒业也很著名。有月影台、马金山温泉等著名避暑、御寒胜地。 英文简介: The Port of Masan is located in South Gyeongsang Province in South Korea, on the shores of Masan Bay about 35 kilometers west of Busan, to which it is connected by road and rail. When the Mongolians controlled the area, the town was called Happo, and that name is still used. Port History The Port of Masan was first developed as an open port, but because it was in a fortified naval zone, it was closed in 1908 not to be reopened until 1967. Masan is a commercial center for agricultural and marine products and a service center for its hinterlands. Before it became an important commercial and industrial city, the Port of Masan was dominated by marine product manufacturing and liquor brewing. Further industrial development included a thermoelectric plant and machine, textile, and chemical manufacturing. Today's port contains a free export zone. Its central location on the southeastern coast of the Korean peninsula makes it a convenient location for international trade and a significant contributor to the country's economy. Port Commerce The Masan Regional Maritime Affairs & Port Office manages the Port of Masan. Located on the northern shores of the Bay of Masan, this well-protected port is a gateway for the Changwon National Industries Complex and has cargo volume of over 10 million tons a year. The Port of Masan is provides services for liner services from Japan and Southeast and Northeast Asia. The port covers 14 million square meters Port of Masan, located in the well-protected Bay of Masan, serves as gateway of neighboring Changwon National Industries Complex with annual cargo volume of over 10 million tons. It is also the port of call for regular liner services between Korea and Japan, South-east Asia and North-east Asia. The Port of Masan exports over 10 thousand automobiles per year, and this traffic increases every year. Its general cargo terminals support inland industries, handling cargoes of iron ware, logs, farm products, and other goods. Its eight piers offer almost 4 thousand meters of quay and can handle over 1.5 million tons of cargo. Other piers at the general cargo terminal also handles exclusive cargoes of oil The Masan Port Development Plan envisions two phases of development ending in 2001. The phase that ended in 2006 added a new container pier with capacity of 2 thousand TEUs of containerized cargo, and additional capacity general cargo, sand, iron, and cement. 已经形成了以上海为中心,覆盖全国各大城市的完善的物流服务网络。公司一直致力于物流网络的建设和社会资源的整合,大力降低运输成本,业务范围不断扩展,物流服务涉及到机械设备、食品、化工产品、日用品、医药、书刊、电子通信设备等各个领域。凭借我们日益完善的管理体系和特有的经营理念,形成了独具特色的操作优势,因此赢得了众多知名企业的信任,获得客户的普遍好评! |
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