受理全球范围的整箱、拼箱、散货、危险品、冷藏箱等特种箱,通过公司服务网络,提供海、空运进出口代理订舱、报关、报检、运输和仓储一条龙服务。提供外高桥保税区和物流园区的进出口和转口货物的代理报关、清关、报检、海关监管运输和仓储服务。现场单证操作,在大小洋山、吴淞、外高桥等口岸都有现场办公室,与船代实行行舱单联网,确保提供给客户的服务及时准确。在公司自有车队的基础上,整合第三方物流资源,与中海、南青、烟海、民生等船公司长期合作;承揽国内内贸集装箱和货物的沿海、内河运输代理业务;海铁联运;和DHL合作承揽国内、国际包裹的门/门递送业务,以及全国各大城市物流配送业务。With our less than container load (LCL) and full container load (FCL) ocean services, our customers receive a specifically designed full-service package to ensure the most convenient and cost-efficient transportation and distribution of their ocean cargo.
In the United States, with our dedicated appointed Container Freight Station, we offer wide range of services and facilities such as - consolidation, bonded warehousing, storage, pick and pack, shrink wrapping, crating, handling oversized heavy-lift cargo, and more. With our extended Door-to-Door service, your shipments can be promptly pick up or delivered to the pier.