,航运公司是全球供应链中最关键的部分。集装箱航运公司目前拥有超过 6,200 艘船舶和超过 2,490 万标准箱的运力,正在向全球转移大量的各种货物和产品。
- 马士基 - 4,222,017 标准箱(733 艘船)
总部 |
丹麦哥本哈根 |
全球办事处数量 |
296 |
在职员工人数 |
超过 83,000 |
成立年份 |
1904 | sells a variety of equipment from our large and diverse fleet. we have the experience and expertise to ensure that our customers have the benefit of Clear, concise, accurate transaction processes & Consistent service and quality We can help to organize carriage out of our depot to the final destination. The company’s container trading business is developing very fast. We have a group of ethical specialists who take customers benefit as their own benefit and are skillful in each process of container trading.