Basic Requests of Small Packets Delivery 1,Do and Do Not ●The weight of a packet should be less than 2kg; ●The sum of length, width and height should be under 90mm. And the longest line should be shorter than 60mm and longer than 12mm; ●delivery address and country should be wrote down clearly and special notice should be given to some countries which are easy to confuse with each other. Such as Austria, Iceland; ●address label with appropriate size be glued on the central area of the largest side; ●none-HK address attached is forbidden; ●the code of Registered mail should be glued flatly on the same side with address. Notice:it’s much better to cover the address and code with clear tape in case of moisture, wear and tear and shed. And these will make mail undeliverable and produce other difficulties.
Filling Custom Declaration: Description of article should be detailed so as to pass the custom quickly.( particularly Italy and countries in south America don’t allow any articles be declared as gift , electronic and so on) Filling value of you article emailed: generally, people tend to fill US 5-30 $. Most people would fill US10$! 另我司拥有自己的报关行及拖车行,可以为您提供国际海运,空运,拖车,报关,保险,商检,植检,熏蒸等一条龙物流服务.经过几年不懈的努力,我司以在海外多个城市拥有自己的代理网络,可以为客人提供深圳出口以及海外多个城市的进口业务. 朋致物流关注员工的发展与成长,培养了近350多名高素质员工组成的专业队伍,“安全、可靠、优质”的运营,吸引了近百家咨信可靠,沟通快速的海外代理,形成高覆盖率的服务网络;多年行业领先的物流操作实践经验,以打造成为物流行业中最可信赖的品牌及全球网络为公司的使命;恪守“以客户为先”的服务信念以及“从客户出发,替客户着想,为客户服务”的经营理念,充分发挥专业化、网络化、信息化的优势,以高水平的服务质量和规模化的营运能力,成为"中国标志性的物流企业"是朋致物流孜孜以求的发展目标。 展望未来,朋致无比自信!凭借精通国际外贸,物流业务善于管理的队伍,凭借全球化的代理网络,朋致正向国际物流企业迈进。诚实,守信是我们恪守的诺言,安全,快捷是我们服务的宗旨! |