涉及海运、空运、多式联运、保税区物流、供应链方案设计、报关报检等专业领域。运转高效的服务网络已经遍布全球,在海外拥有一百多个合作伙伴,在国内主要城市设有分公司或代表处,为客户提供轻松便捷的贴心服务。专业从事国际快递、国际空运出口、海运等业务为一体的国际货运代理公司。立方速的服务范围包括:国际快递(包括DHL、FedEx、UPS、TNT、EMS、国际专线)国际空运的进出口,海运整箱拼箱的进出口,国际物流综合服务等。从进出口货物的包装、装卸、预定船期、代理订舱、报关报检、通关放行、文件处理、核销退税 which is a comprehensive international logistics and international freight forwarding company approved by Monistry of Economy & Commerce and the Ministry of Communications. Committed to researching and creating a professional, fast & economical international logistics companies to optimize services platform as the core, setted "Customers’ satisfaction is our fundamental for striving " as the principle of service, we promote to provide “profession, precision, customizing” service to all customers. |