is an international forwarder which is characterized with dry bulk chartering and container export. We have a very professional logistical team consisted of specialists fm inland transportation, loading,etc., which can provide the door to door logistical solution for our clients. Located in Xiamen, the biggest and most potential logistical centre of china, our service is through out the country by building up close relationship with local forwarders in other china ports. We have earned a good reputation based on the specialized team, model flow control and business network.
As time passed, our business field grows wider and wider: for cargo category, we can do machinery under one hundred cbms as well as million tons of bulk cgo; for sailing distance and area. we can do the japan-korea line as well as the european-american line. 我们为客户提供全国超过200个城市的门到门快运、整车配送服务,并与多家国际知名企业建立了战略合作关系。公司具备先进的信息追踪系统,能够保障运送服务安全可靠,并使客户随时随地通过互联网享受货物动态查询等带来的便捷。不断创新的优质服务,使我们得以在日趋激烈的竞争中拥有忠实的客户群。 主营业务: 物流配送; 我们为用户提供实时控制快捷便利的市内、城际整车配送的第三方物流配送服务。 24小时全国门对门快运; 我们为用户提供全国超过200个城市的门到门快运服务,并与多家国际知名物流企业建立了战略联盟关系,确保快件货物在最短的时间内到达终端客户手中。 仓储管理; 我们为用户提供先进的仓储信息系统对进货、出货、移库、退货、库存等动态实施有效、低误差的仓库管理。 物流加工;