国际出口国际海运 | |||||
作者:佚名 国际空运来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2016-5-11 | |||||
外贸体制改革的成功促使公司进出口规模圆满实现了三个阶段的跳跃式发展:第一生存基础阶段——自营首年出口86.92万美圆;第二初级发展阶段——奋斗12年达到进出口总规模约3亿美圆;第三持续发展阶段---改制后10年间创下进出口总规模达到7.7亿美圆的佳绩。 在第三阶段的发展历程中,公司刷新了一些创举,特别是2005年公司的进出口总额首次突破亿元大关,刷新历史记录到达12200余万美圆;01至03年公司参与联合国“石油换食品”项目,中标累计达9800余万美元, is an international company specializing in import and export shipping logistics, with more than a decade of experience. We have branch offices in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tianjin, Hunan and Guangdong. The Group has achieved accredited certification of ISO 9001 quality management system and is listed by the Ministry of Commerce as China's Qualified Overseas Contractor. We are qualified as an NVOCC and hold membership in the China International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFA) and the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA). |
国际空运录入:admin 责任编辑:admin | |||||
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