专业:超过10年报关运营管理经验,中国报关协会副会长单位 高效:进口报关报检3-5个工作日 安全:五星级报关行,差错率为行业平均差错率的50% 便利:全国主要口岸均有服务网点,上海各关区网点覆盖齐全(上海外港、上海吴淞、上海自贸区、上海洋山等) 仓储:我司设立于上海外高桥自贸区内,有自己的保税仓库,给广大客户提供保税仓储,进境退运,进境复出境等仓储服务。A bit about us Founded in 1963, Oriental Logistics Group began as a Hong Kong based freight forwarder specializing in services between Asia and the Americas. We soon became a full service 3PL (3rd Party Logistics) service provider utilizing all modes of cargo transportation to meet the demands of our growing customer base. With the talents of Oriental’s talented team of associates, we continue to expand our services globally assisting the needs of our customers by providing the most reliable honest freight forwarding services expected.