Venezuela Interasia Lines, Ltd | |||||
作者:佚名 国际空运来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2016-8-1 | |||||
The Express Star Logistics Ltd. is the IAL General Agent in east Guangdong, China; we provide customers with relevant services for quotation, space booking, trailer truck arranging, customs clearance, and the IAL’s Master Bill of Lading issuing etc., to ensuring customers enjoy a perfect, thoughtful, considerate, convenient services. 凭借我司设施完备的仓储库及多年的仓储经验,可以为客户实现零库存。将客户所需的品种和产品根据分类进入仓库,随时随地按照客户的要求将货物送至工厂或安排出口装箱,达到真正零库存! |
国际空运录入:admin 责任编辑:admin | |||||
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