◆ 物流解决方案及业务咨询 根据客户的不同要求,可采取面谈、电话、传真、E-MAIL等各种方式及时反馈信息,提供咨询服务,为客户设计进出口货运、物流解决方案。解决方案和咨询内容包括:DDU、DDP & EXW的全称服务,进出口国际多式联运和国内物流的方式及费用,海运航线及运费,装卸港及目的地服务状况,报关报检文件的准备,关税、商检、监管、转运的有关政策和规定等。 Logistics Solution and Consulting Services In response to different requests of customers, services may be provided in various ways like interview, phone, fax and email, and information feedback will be on time. We will provide DDU, DDP & EXW, the logistics solution designing and consulting for import and export cargo, including the mode and charge of international combined transport and domestic logistics, sea routes and ocean freight, service information of loading, discharging ports and destinations, documents preparation related to customs declaration and cargo survey, the policy and regulation of tariff, cargo survey, customs surveillance and transshipment etc. ◆ 客户服务 有多年丰富经验的高素质专业人员,能为客户设计物流解决方案,并提供进出口货物的全程实时跟踪查询服务。 Customer Service Experienced professionals can design transport and logistics solutions for customers, and conduct real time enquiry and tracking services throughout the transport process of cargos. ◆ 揽货 承接世界各地与中国口岸全程海运进出口运输及提供相关环节的服务,受海内外客户委托代理各项进出口货运操作。 Canvass for Cargo We undertake maritime transport services and associated services for cargo import and export in every place of the world and every port of China, and provide the freight operations authorized by oversea and Chinese customers. ◆ 单证及上门服务 Document and Door Pick-up Service 提供上门取单、签单、送单等一体化服务。按照客户要求,提供信用证所需的运输证明。 We provide door pick-up and a series of services to customer including document collection, document issue and document submission, etc. Transport certificate needed by LC, etc will be available according to the requirement of customers. ◆ 订舱及配载 与国内外众多的船公司和航运公司签有运输代理协议,为客户世界各地的集装箱和大宗进出口货物提供及时、经济、安全的全方位服务。 Cargo Space Booking Stowage We have transport agency agreements with numerous Chinese and foreign ship owners and shipping companies, and are able to provide timely, economic and safe transport services for customers' import and export container, bulk and general cargo. ◆ 操作 有多年丰富经验的专业化操作人员,提供进出口集装箱和大宗货物的商品储运、转运分拨、装拆箱、门到门运输和口岸交接等服务。最大限度地急客户之所急,并能在不同的情况下为客户解决各种困难。 Operation We provide warehousing, transshipment, distribution, loading and discharging, CFS operation, Door to Door transportation and ports delivery services for import and export container, bulk and general cargo. Experienced professional operators are absorbed in customer's anxiety and can solve every difficulty under different circumstances. ◆报关/报检/保险Customs Clearance, Cargo Inspection and Insurance 标准化的业务操作信息系统保证公司内和所有现场直接向海关和检验检疫局实施EDI报关、报检,为客户及时、准确地出运和提货打下了坚实的基础。代办国际及国内各种运输方式的保险。 Customs Clearance, Cargo Inspection and Insurance In every office and operation locale, standardized operation information system ensures direct EDI application to Customs Office and Entry-Exit Inspection & Quarantine Bureau for customs clearance and cargo inspection. It makes a solid foundation for customer's rapid and accurate cargo shipment and delivery. We also arrange insurances for various international and domestic transport modes. ◆ 化学品、危险品、冷藏物品、挂衣货柜等特殊商品物流 承揽化学品及罐式集装箱、冷藏箱、危险品、挂衣货柜的进出口货运业务并提供物流服务。 Chemical and Special Cargo Logistics We render import and export freight forwarding and logistics services to chemical, refrigerated, dangerous cargo, container and ISO tank. ◆ 财务 提供结算证明、详细费用分析和多种形式的结算方式。 Finance Provisions of settlement certificate, detailed expense analysis and multiform settlements are available for customers.
海运进出口业务 海运进口业务 进口货物的报检,清关,提货,拆箱业务及门到门运输,进口保税货物清关。 进口部拥有最好的专业团队,经验丰富,为提供客户最佳的进口运输,清关,提货的整套服务。
海运出口业务 海运承揽运送为本公司营运项目之一 承接整箱货,拼箱货,散杂货,超限货,危险品和普通化工品 提供相关的货物清关,提货,送货等门到门服务。以现代物流标准信息技术为依托,以客户为准则,全方位延伸国际货运内涵,提供规范化、标准化、信息化的综合服务和增值服务,立足于广州,面向珠江三角洲,以及华南,华中,西南地区各有代理公司,为您提供高素质的海运、空运、陆运拖车、保税仓储、海运拼箱集运服务。
为你提供整柜和拼箱海运服务,并采用海陆空联运模式,将货物安全快捷地送到指定目的地。 代理各类进出口货物的运输及报关、商检、危险品申报、仓储、地面运输等业务;提供进口分拨和出口集运业务的全程服务; 承办集装箱、大件设备的多式联运以及门到门运输业务;提供货物的信息跟踪反馈服务并代理运输保险业务;提供航线设计、运价咨询、成本核算等服务以及工程招投标项目的物流服务。